Important trekking tips



  • Learning about the destination, itinerary, understanding the terrain, climate, and trip schedule will help you prepare for your trip better.
  • If you find that your physical fitness isn't up to the level required for the trek, it's a good idea to follow Umove Adventure's instructions for training. Typically, 1-2 weeks before the trip, you can engage in activities like running, climbing stairs, cycling, and jumping rope. These exercises are highly effective in building endurance.
  • Prepare the appropriate equipment for the trek as instructed by Umove Adventure.
  • For long treks where you need to carry a lot of personal items, consider packing each group of items (clothing, medication, electronics, etc.) in nylon bags or zip-lock bags before placing them in your backpack. This method helps protect your items from getting wet during rainy weather and makes it easier to access them.
  • If you have new hiking boots, wear them continuously for a week before your departure to reduce foot pain and blisters.
  • Wear thick, high-top trekking socks as they provide better protection for your feet.
  • Trim your toenails before the trek, as excessively long toenails can cause discomfort when walking downhill.


  • Essential items to have in your backpack when going trekking: fully charged phone, multi-tool knife, lighter, flashlight, personal first-aid kit, snack food, water, rain jacket, insect repellent, whistle.
  • When going downhill, tightly fasten your shoelaces around your ankles to reduce pressure on the front of your feet.
  • If you have weak knees, consider bringing knee braces to provide support when going up and down slopes.
  • For ascending slopes, shorten your trekking poles, and for descending slopes, lengthen them. Using two trekking poles is more effective than using just one.
  • Stay hydrated, taking small sips of water at regular intervals.
  • If you have low physical stamina, take regular breaks. The frequency and duration of breaks depend on the terrain and your health. For example, when trekking uphill, take a 1-minute break every 5 minutes of climbing.
  • Never separate from the group or engage in individual activities without informing others in the group or the guide.
  • If you realize that you are lost, cannot communicate via phone, and are unsure of the correct direction, stop and wait for someone to come find you. Periodically signal for help, for example by making a smoky fire and blowing a whistle.
  • If you're trekking in hot and humid weather, you might encounter leeches in the jungle. To prevent them from latching onto your skin, wear long pants and tuck them into your socks. Use a gaiter to secure the pants around your ankles. Additionally, use an insect repellent spray, like DEET, on your shoes, socks, and up to your knees. It's recommended to pour the DEET into a spray bottle for convenience and reapply it after crossing streams.

These tips are valuable for a safe and enjoyable trekking experience, especially when venturing into challenging terrain and environments.

Umove Adventure