Difficulty Level

Umove Adventure categorizes its outdoor and adventure activities into four levels: Experience, Exploration, Challenge, and Adventure. The difficulty level for each activity within a tour is determined based on international standards and the practical conditions in Vietnam. This helps customers identify which tour suits their physical fitness, experience, and expectations.

Due to the wide range of outdoor activities, Umove Adventure cannot provide detailed explanations for each activity. Instead, they offer detailed information for the most common activities, such as trekking, kayak, and stand-up paddleboarding (SUP).

Umove Adventure classifies its outdoor and adventure activities into four levels of difficulty as follows:

  • Experience Level (1-4/10): Suitable for everyone, including children. These activities are relatively easy and don't require physical preparation or experience. Tours typically last 1-2 days. For trekking at this level, the trekking time is around 1-2 hours per day with easy terrain. Kayaking and SUP activities at this level involve 1-2 hours of paddling per day with plenty of time for photography and rest. No physical preparation is required for this level.

  • Exploration Level (5,6/10): Most people can participate, including children aged around 6 or older if accompanied by parents. Light physical preparation can make the outdoor activities more comfortable. Tours usually last 2 days. For trekking at this level, the trekking time is about 2-3 hours per day with relatively easy terrain. Kayaking and SUP activities at this level involve 2-3 hours of paddling per day in larger water areas or with some current, with plenty of time for photography and rest. Physical preparation, such as running or kayaking/SUP training, is recommended in the weeks leading up to the trip.

  • Challenge Level (7,8/10): Requires good physical fitness and experience in outdoor activities. This level is almost not suitable for children. Tours can last from 2 to 4 days with very basic food and accommodation conditions, mainly camping. Trekking can take up to 5-6 hours per day with difficult terrain, steep ascents, and high altitudes. Kayaking and SUP activities at this level can take up to 6-7 hours per day. Recommended physical preparation includes running or kayaking/SUP training in the weeks leading up to the trip.

  • Adventure Level (9,10/10): The highest level of risk and adventure, suitable only for individuals with very strong physical fitness, extensive outdoor experience, and strong determination. These tours often involve exploring new or challenging and wild terrains. Participants are expected to perform various tasks like setting up tents and cooking. Members of the group must be well-prepared in terms of equipment and physical fitness. Extensive physical preparation is necessary, including running or kayaking/SUP training in the month leading up to the trip.

These difficulty levels help participants identify which tours are suitable for their fitness levels, experience, and expectations, ensuring a safe and enjoyable outdoor adventure experience.